Where are Samsung Refrigerators Made and Manufactured?

For over 50 years, Samsung has been a leader in home appliances manufacturing. Do you have any idea that, where are Samsung Refrigerators made? Because, …

Why does Samsung use Tizen OS instead of Android on their Smart TVs?

Tizen OS is the leading Smart TV platform globally. Samsung’s smart TVs run exclusively on Tizen OS and have not adopted Android. According to a …

How to Use Google Circle to Search Feature on iPhone via Shortcut

If you’ve been jealous of Android users and their ability to visually search with Circle to Search, get ready for a taste of that power …

How to Improve Battery Life on the Samsung Galaxy Watch?

Are you curious about Improving the Battery life of your Samsung Galaxy Watch? When we are using our Samsung Galaxy Watches, we often feel like …

How Samsung Galaxy Replaced Samsung Gear as Ultimate Wearable Brand?

There was a time when Samsung had a separate category for smartwatches – the Samsung Gear. Yes friends, I’m talking about the Gear lineup. While …

Is Buying Old Samsung Tablets Still Worth it?

As new gadgets with advanced features keep launching frequently, it’s common for users to forget old devices. Similarly, with new Samsung tablets coming to the …

Why Did Samsung Stop Curved Screens?

After a long time, Samsung replaced the curved screen of its latest flagship smartphone Galaxy S24 Ultra. There was a time when people considered curved …